Depot Margo

Depot Margo saved over 35 tonnes of local surplus apples while providing social employment in order to create healthy food. This social distribution platform gives people more self-esteem and is a collaboration between RIMO Limburg, Bewel VZW, Voedselbank Limburg, Vincentius Limburg, De Wroeter and BelOrta.

That way, Depot Margo combines the economic effect (valorisation of local produce) with a social objective (poverty alleviation), an ecological gain (preventing surplus, limiting transport), a health effect (healthy fruit) and social employment.

Some impressive results:

  • 12 tons distributed to aid organisations
  • 23 tons pressed into apple juice
  • 14 950 filled bottles

Depot Margo aims for a gradual annual increase: 35 tons now, 80 tons in 2020 and hopefully 120 tons in 2021!

enVie Soups by enVie Atelier

enVie atelier is the result of a close collaboration between Colruyt, Randstad, Mc Cain, Reo veiling (auction) and enVie Atelier. It is a social enterprise that focuses on 2 important social issues:

  1. Food waste: enVie produces a retail line of 100% natural and vegetarian soups, made exclusively with surplus Belgian vegetables. The soups are currently available in 132 supermarkets in Belgium, and the first year of sales saved 50 tonnes of vegetables!
  2. Unemployment: enVie tackles long-term unemployment by recruiting a workforce of previously unemployed people and guiding them back to the regular labour market. EnVie’s objective is to employ 10 people every year, who then to on to find a sustainable job after their training.

Chicory Croquettes by Gastronello and Cools

Every product season, 27.OOO kg of chicory is produced. 30% of this production is unfortunately considered waste. The consumer is always in the habit of throwing away the outer leaves of the chicory which results in a considerable amount of waste. Together with Gastronello (Traicar bvba), the Cools family and want to show that over 80% of this total waste stream is actually edible and delicious! 

That is why Cools and Gastronello came up with a recipe to upgrade this waste stream to a marketable product.  After optimizing the juice and press cake production process, the partners succeeded in producing ingredients for the croquettes with a shelf life of up to 3 months. By processing most of this waste into chicory croquettes, the waste is reduced to only 5%. This means that for this company, the total amount of waste is reduced from 8 100 kg to 1 350 kg each production season, a significant improvement. 

This recipe can easily be implemented in the artisanal production of Brussels chicory. Knowing that an average of 4 000 tonnes of chicory is produced in the Brussels area, valorisation as in this project could have a significant impact on waste management in the production cycle of this crop. Considering also that this method of valorisation has some potential for other vegetables, the impact could be even greater.

WasteWatch by Sodexo Belgium S.A.

WasteWatch is a new project from Sodexo with which they step up the fight against food waste and climate change. Sodexo targets a zero food waste Food solution by weighing food waste in production kitchens and consumer plate waste.

At various locations,  WasteWatch sets up a connected weighing scale, a screen and a high-speed distribution data warehouse. That way, they receive detailed reports on the type of food waste their activities cause and enables them to sharpen the optimization of the production planning and logistics process.  

WasteWatch estimates the potential avoidance of food waste up to 90 Tons on a yearly basis. By extrapolation, a potential saving up to 3000 tons of CO2 is estimated on a yearly basis.

Go!Atheneum De Tandem, Eeklo

Together with FoodWIN and Goodplanet, Natuurpunt and partners Meetjesland supported a number of secondary schools in the Meetjesland in their fight against food waste.  

It was the students who measured the food waste themselves, and that way were able to point out to the management the great waste that took place every day in the school restaurant. By really measuring the surpluses, it became clear what quantities are involved. This “bottom-up” awareness led to effective change, the numbers were shown to the school board who took immediate action and even changed supplier.

The impact measurement clearly shows less food waste than the baseline measurement: from 42% to only 29%! 

Go! Atheneum De Tandem in Eeklo managed to save 1800 kg of food from the trash per year!

Himmorant by Odisee hogeschool

Student restaurant Odisee created a unique system ( to order all meals in advance. With about 10 500 students of 6 campuses, Odisee is one of the largest education institutions of the Flemish region. Odisee reduce the waste of food and save financially.  

At noon, students and employees come almost always at the same time to the restaurant. Normally you would expect a long queue, but because everyone can order in advance, the kitchen doesn’t have to make meals (e.g. wraps, sandwiches, …) at the moment itself. Through pre-orders, the school doesn’t need to guess the amount of meals and food waste is prevented. Moreover, the food that is left from the day before could be processed in the soup the next day!

Buurtfruit Gent by Velt, Stad Gent and Pluk

Velt and Pluk worked together with the City of Ghent to prevent food waste in and around the city. Together they founded the project ‘Buurtfruit Gent’. This project saved tons of fruit in Ghent and made local fruit available to everyone in the city. Buurtfruit Gent ensures the prevention of food waste and wants to redistribute this waste to the people.

Buurtfruit Gent wants to limit fruit waste to a minimum in (semi-)public spaces. To this end, Buurtfruit Ghent has undertaken different actions around urban orchards and smaller fruit harvesting sites with a limited number of shrubs or trees:

  1. Developing an inventory of all fruit trees and bushes in Ghent’s public and semi-public spaces.
  2. Communicating the city policy around harvesting fruit in public areas and inviting Ghent citizens to enjoy their local healthy fruit.
  3. Organising joint harvesting moments and workshops where citizens can learn how and when to harvest.

Buurtfruit Gent is a collaboration between Velt, Pluk & the city of Ghent that turned out to be very fruitful:

  • 63 places fruit spots were found
  • 4000 kg of fruit harvested by Pluk
  • 2200 liters of juice made from harvested fruits

Dry Mist by Contronics

45% of fruit and vegetables go to waste along the food supply chain. The food waste warriors of Contronics Dry Mist are a mix of geeky nerds and environment enthusiasts wishing they were as cool as Greta.

Together, they have managed to reproduce a unique natural phenomenon (morning mist occurring in the Salinas Valley, North America). Through ultrasonic vibrations they create a very fine mist of clear water, vaporizing around the fruit and vegetables. The humidity increases, leading to a natural cooling effect. Fruit and vegetables maintain their freshness and quality throughout the chain. Producers won’t need to manipulate the longevity of a vegetable’s life during production, supermarkets won’t need to worry about quality and consumers won’t be condemned to choose between the life or death of either Lucy or Letty Lettuce.

Research conducted by TU Denmark showed that the Dry Mist reduced waste of fruits and vegetables with a whopping 25% throughout the whole food supply chain! 

At the moment, Dry Mist is primarily in use at the end of the chain, the supermarket. Even though they are already decreasing food waste with 25% this way, Dry Misting throughout the chain is the number one goal. Furthermore, they strive to reduce plastic waste. Packaging is a pillar of the food chain, and we need to build around it. Dry Mist provides a natural alternative and makes sure products maintain their freshness even without plastic packaging. To ensure a structural and all-encompassing solution, theywill continue to build our international radius and help build an international food waste network.

Good taste, zero waste by Lidl Belgium and Luxembourg

With Good Taste, Zero Waste’, Lidl launched a new and innovative approach to reduce their food waste. (‘Bon Appétit, Zéro Gaspi’).

Products reaching the day of expiration are sold at extremely low prices

  • € 0,20 for dairy and ultra-fresh products (such as salads)
  • € 0,50 for fresh meat, fish and baked goods
  • dry food, fresh fruits and vegetables are combined in boxes of about 3 kg for € 1

‘Good Taste, Zero Waste’ was rolled out in May 2019 in all stores in Luxembourg. In just 8 months, the amount of food waste reduced by 17,32%! The project already proved to be a recipe for success.

Moreover, Lidl donates the net proceeds of these sales to the Belgian Food Banks. With this financial support, the Belgian Food Banks can invest in the improvement of their organisation, or buy fresh products with a long shelf life for families in need. With Good taste, zero waste, families with financial difficulties can also buy products in the stores at lower prices without the stigmatization of a visit to the Food Banks.

With Good Taste, Zero waste, Lidl sets an ambitious goal of 25% food waste reduction by 2020 (compared to 2015), and 50% reduction by 2025 in Belgium and Luxembourg.

AZ Nikolaas

AZ Nikolaas is een ziekenhuis met verschillende vestigingen, 810 bedden, 2300 personeelsleden. De centrale productie keuken bevindt zich op een externe locatie.

In een ziekenhuis worden vele maaltijden door de wisselende bezettingsgraad onnodig geportioneerd waardoor er problemen met voedselverlies ontstaan. Door  verschillende beheersprocessen in het leven te roepen (herproportionering en langere bewaartijd) kan AZ Nikolaas voedselverlies nu tot een minimum beperken.

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