
Winnow is a tech company making cutting edge technology to help chefs reduce food waste. We connect commercial kitchens to the cloud allowing them

to record and analyse exactly what is put in the bin. This gives chefs the information necessary to drive improvements in their production processes to cut food waste in half, saving money and reducing their environmental footprint at the same time. Simple and intuitive, the Winnow System has been designed specifically for busy kitchens.

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Recettes Evadées

The goal of the project “Recettes Evadées” (“Escaped recipes”) is to tackle bread waste by developing new recipes made out of it, like cookies and muffins. The unsold bread escaped from the bakeries and gets a second life!

We work with all actors dealing with bread surplus: bakers, chefs, supermarkets, individuals, …
What we offer includes:

– empowering bakers with “The Crumbler”, an innovative machine that transforms surplus bread into flour once again

– cooking workshops in schools, canteens and restaurants, municipalities, NGOs,…

– ‘0-bread waste buffets’ for events

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Bubble & Squeak

Bubble & Squeak is a surplus food program based in collaboration with Old Oak Community Centre and Old Oak Primary School who both have strong longstanding links in the local community.

Every week Bubble & Squeak collect and distribute approx. 40 kg surplus food to parents via children who (with adult assistance) set up and run the stall.  Engaging with local parents and taking place around a locally rooted organisation – the school playground!

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